Welsh Journals

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Cyf. 9, rh. 4: Deposited Collections

Cyf. 9, rh. 4: Deposited Collections

Cyf. 9, rh. 1: Deposited Collections

Cyf. 21 rhif. 251 - Tachwedd 1877

Cyf. 19, rh. 2: Cofrestri Plwyf Cymru

Cyf. 15, rh. 3: Notes on the Orielton Chancery Proceedings

Cyf. 15, rh. 4: Notes on the Orielton Chancery Proceedings

Cyf. 25, rh. 1: The squires of Stone Hall

Cyf. 19, rh. 4: The parish registers of Wales

Cyf. 19, rh. 4: The parish registers of Wales

1970 (Part 1): Mabws Fawr

Fifth Series Vol. XV No. LIX July 1898