Welsh Journals

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Welsh Newspapers
Welsh Newspapers
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Places of Wales
Places of Wales
481 results

No. 4: The linguistic significance of the Pembrokeshire landsker

Vol. 5: The diocese of St Davids in 1563

Mai 1895

Cyf. XIX rhif. 228 - Tachwedd 1908

Cyf. 14, rh. 1: [back matter]

Cyf. 9, rh. 2: Pembrokeshire farming circa 1580-1620

Cyf. 9, rh. 2: Pembrokeshire farming circa 1580-1620

Cyf. 29, rh. 1: The place-name as surname in Wales

Vol. 7, no. 1: Field notes

1948: An approach to Welsh genealogy

1965 (Part 1): Ffynone, Pembrokeshire :

No. 3: Open fields and farmsteads in Pembrokeshire