Welsh Journals

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OSWESTRY was visited once before by the Association, in 1893, during the week corresponding to this year's visit, when the President was the late Mr. Stanley Leighton, M.P., F.S.A., of Sweeney. That was exactly thirty years ago, and glancing over the Report of the Meeting one finds that the members whose names occur have since well-nigh all passed away. It was hoped that this year's Meeting might be held during the second week in August, as usual, immediately following the National Eisteddfod, but this was found locally impracticable, owing to the great annual Floral Fete at Shrewsbury being held on two of the days. A large representative Local Committee, with several Sub- Committees, had been formed to make the necessary arrangements for the Meeting, and the excellent manner in which these had been carried out evoked general praise and gave every satisfaction. The combined efforts resulted in a most successful Meeting. The weather might have been more favourable. The Association's headquarters for the week were the High School for Girls. The itinerary had been thought out with great care, and worked quite satisfactorily. A Loan Exhibition, illustrative of the history and archaeology of the town and district, had been decided upon, which resulted in a large collection of most interesting exhibits. There was a very good attendance, averaging 110 for each day. On Tuesday's excursion the party were joined by some thirty members of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. The Association's visit aroused keen interest in Oswestry and in the places visited, which, it is hoped, will bring about a closer study and more careful preservation of local objects of historical value. The week's proceedings began with a Meeting of the General Committee for business, held at the High School for Girls, on Monday at 8 p.m. There were present Major C. E. Breese, Chairman, Sir E. Vincent Evans, V.P., Prof. J. E. Lloyd, V.P., Capt. Howard Cunnington, V.P., Mr. A. E. Bowen, V.P., Canon Fisher, Editor, Mr. T. E. Morris, Treasurer, Mrs. Henry Lewis, Miss Evelyn Lewes, Principal J. H. Davies, Rev. Canon Singers-Davies, Rev. Ellis Davies, Messrs. Willoughby Gardner, Wilfrid J. Hemp, H. Harold Hughes, Iltyd Gardner, Geo. Eyre Evans, A. Foulkes-Roberts, J. W. Phillips, Chas. Morgan, E. I. P. Bowen, with Canon C. F. Roberts, Senior General Secretary. Minutes.— The minutes of the last Meeting, printed in the Journal, vol. lxxviii, p. 186, were taken as read, and confirmed and signed. Letters.-Letters of regret for non-attendance were submitted from the South Wales General Secretary, Major-General Sandbach, the