Archaeologia Cambrensis SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. XV, PART II APRIL, 1915 ROBERT PARRY'S DIARY1 AMONG the many interesting MSS. at Plas Nantglyn in Denbighshire, belonging to the resident owner of that ancient house, Colonel T. A. Wynne Edwards, V.D., now, as always, able and eager in the fulfilment of his military duties, is the MS. which goes by the name of "Robert Parry's Diary." The volume is 11#ILL E# in. long by 7t in. wide, and the pages are of paper. The bind- ing is of leather with gold decorations, and stamped, also in gold, on front and back, with a lion rampant between the letters R" and P." The book consists of 120 folios, and is gilt-edged. The period covered is from the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign to the year 1613. THE DIARY. & the xvth of Julie the b tuall men I h of Supremacy in london weare 1559. Ao. 2 Eliz. This yere all base money was suppressed & only pure sil [torn] currant wthin the Real me wherin many endured great [torn] Trobles in scottland betweene theQueene dowager & the no [torn] went about to ouerthrowe religion unto 1 All marginal notes in the original MS. have been put in italics. 6TH SKR. VOL. XV. 9