Avonydh: Rivers. Mae Clwyd ag Elwy yn ymgyvarvod filhdir odhiar Rythlan yn rhyd y dheudhwr ym mha le y mae Elwy yn colli i henw. [Page 75] Mae Pont Rydhlan ar Glwyd o fewn ergid Carreg ne lai at yr Eglwys is yn ywch. Ffydhion a small rivulet whch springs in Tegan mount in Whitford Cwm par. where that runs underground at Hendre- mynach and runs to Trelawnyd & Disart part into this where it empty's itself into Clwyd a bow-shot below ye Church. Katherine Ear is 89 years of age Dowze V3 Sion ap Robt is abt 96 Ffynnon Vair about a quartr of a mile from the well yt retains ye saint's name. 2. Ffynnon y Castelh abt a bow-shot above ye church. NB. The flood goes not above a mile and a half above ye church which is distant from ye main Ocean above 2 miles. There were two women who formerly lived in this but now dead call'd Morvydh & marred. Their Fuel is altogether Coal from Mostyn. There are no Limestones in this Parish nor Quarries where they dig slate. DISSERTH distant from Caerwys 4 miles from Denbigh 7. Ynghwm- mwd Prestattin: ond mae y dre dhegwm a elwir Disserth ynghwmmwd Yriadhig. Surrounded wlh ye Parishes of Rhydhlan, Cwm, Tre Lownid (Rhylounid) Gwayn Yskar, Galht melid (Angl. meliden) and the sea for half a mile. Hyd y Plwy from Botrydhan house, part whereof is in this parish on ye borders of Rhydlan to a field's breadth of Koed Gwylim which lies in Lh. Hasaph two miles and a half. Lhed y Plwy o'r M6r i dir y Deon (enw Ty) a'r dervyn Plwy'r Kwm dwy a hanner. [Page 76] 35 houses by ye Church. Their Saint Gwyvan: & Wakes ye next Sunday after ye 2d of June The Townships. 1. Disserth 2. Llywerlhwyd 3. Trekastelh. 4. Rhyd. There has been a Castle at Tre Castelh, which some say was call'd Castelh Ffailon, alias Dincolyn alias C. Gern for in ye same Township there is a field call'd Bryn Dincolyn: there are some pieces of wall still remaining.