MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. 107 Miscellaneous Notices* Welsh Incised Stones.—The members are referred to the Report of the late Meeting at Brecon (see vol. iii, p. 370) as to the prospects of the proposed attempt. At the General Meeting, on the last day of the Meeting (Friday), it was suggested by Professor Westwood that the work should commence with the Glamorganshire and Brecknockshire stones, and that the other counties should be simi- larly treated. Since the last issued notice the following new sub¬ scribers have given in their names : Professor Stevens, Copenhagen; R. R. Brash, Esq., M.R.I.A., Cork; Miss Davies, Penmaen Dovey; John Rhys, Esq., B.A., Rhyl; G. H. Whalley, Esq., M.P.; Rev. J. Alban Morris ; Rev. Robt. Ellis, Carnarvon ; Mrs. Sandbach, Hafod Unnos; the Bishop of St. Asaph (two copies) ; Edwd. Nixon, Esq., Buckley, Mold ; Win. Rees, Esq., Tonn, Llandovery; M. H. Gaidoz, Paris ; Thos. Powell, Esq., Llanwrtyd, Brecon; Miss Wynne Edwards, the Vicarage, Rhuddlan ; Miss M. C. A. Wynne Edwards, ditto. Only twenty-seven names in all have been received. Nothing can be done until one hundred and fifty names are given. Each Part will cost 10s. Qd., and it is proposed to complete the book in three Parts in three successive years. The Father op Edward Lhwyd.—Some weeks ago Mr. Spaull discovered, in the north chancel of the Oswestry old church, a stone bearing the following inscription, which is supposed to indicate the place of sepulture of the father of Edward Lhwyd, the great philo¬ logist and antiquary: " Here lyeth the body of Edward Lloyd, of Llanvorda, Esq., who dyed February 13, a.d. 1662. Temporis diris pietas regique Deoque Immota hac terra jam tvuivlata jacit. One who durst be loyal, just, and wise, When all were out of countenance, here lyes." It is well known that Lhwyd was an illegitimate son of one of the Lloyds of Llanvorda ; but whether that Lloyd is the one here com¬ memorated is doubtful. Lewis Morris, who wrote about fifty years after Lhwyd's death, and who was well acquainted with the old families in the upper part of Cardiganshire, states that the Christian name of Lhwyd's father was not Edivard but Gharles, which is at variance with the commonly received accounts. The following is Morris' notice of Lhwyd's birthplace and parentage, in the Celtic Remains (MS.), p. 462 : " Ynys Greigiog, a gentleman's seat in Cardiganshire. Here was born the famous Edward Lhwyd, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, and author of Archceologia Britannica and Lithoplujlacii Britannici Icli- nographia. His mother was Mary Pryse of Ynys Greigiog, a branch of the Pryses of Gogerthan ; and his father was Charles Lloyd of