ARCH^OLOGICAL NOTES AND QUERIES. 263 Coroner had communicated with the Treasury. In his official capacity as High Sheriff he was the proper custodian. Then they would be sent up to London, to be valued by a committee of experts. On that valuation the Government would pay Marston, the finder, the full intrinsic value, less 20 per cent. The orna¬ ments were those of a lady, and there was not the slightest doubt that they were hidden. It was an unique find for Wales. A great number of gold articles had been found in Ireland, bnt in Wales he only knew of the gold breastplate found near Mold sixty years ago.1 "The Coroner told the jury they had to be satisfied the things were 'treasure trove'—that they were hidden and not thrown carelessly on one side. It would then be his duty to report the facts to the Crown, and no doubt Marston would, as the High Sheriff said, receive the full value less 20 per cent. " Colonel Williams: I think Marston acted most straightfor¬ wardly and honestly. " Mr. R. Morgan suggested that the jury should make a repre¬ sentation to the Crown as to this ; but the Coroner and Colonel Williams said that would be done. "A verdict was drawn up, setting forth that on May 26, 1899, one gold ring set with onyx and engraved on the setting an-ant, a portion of a gold necklet of nine pieces—eight links set with stones and one link with the stone missing—one small piece of gold scroll, a small plate of embossed gold—all forming part of the necklet, and a gold armlet in four pieces, were found by James Marston, of Cwmdauddwr parish, hidden in the ground on Carreg-gwynion Rocks, in the parish of Nantmel, and which articles were of ancient time hidden as aforesaid, and the owner could not now be known. " Councillor C. A. J. Ward presided on Friday over a meeting of the Cardiff Museum Committee, when a long discussion took place on the antiquarian discoveries in Radnorshire, and a strong feeling was expressed that these valuable objects should find a home in Wales. It was mentioned that the treasure trove had been promptly appropriated by the Crown. Commenting on this incident, Dr. Vachell said it emphasised the extreme desirability of having a National Museum for Wales. The committee unanimously decided to make application to the Crown for the custody of the Radnor¬ shire relics. " Visited by a representative of the Radnorshire Standard, Colonel S. W. Williams willingly spent some of his valuable time in describing, as only an antiquary of considerable knowledge could, the articles found. 1 Roman gold ornaments have been found at Dolau Cothi, Car¬ marthenshire, and there is a fine British gold torque in Lord Mostyn's collection.—E-d. \ . ■