3ircta0l00ta Camlrmtsts. FIFTH SERIES.—VOL. XII, NO. XLVIL JULY 1895. THE ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF ST. MARY'S CHURCH, CONWAY. BY HAROLD HUGHES, ESQ., A.R.C.A., A.R.I.B.A. An extremely interesting paper by Mr. W. de G. Birch, "On the Date of the Foundations ascribed to the Cistercian Abbeys in Great Britain," contains a list of the various Abbeys of the Order throughout the world, taken from a MS. in two portions, existing in a miscellaneous collection of tracts among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum. The first portion, we are informed, is written in a clear French handwriting of the early part of the thirteenth century, and extends hom a.d. 1098 to a.d. 1190. The second, in a French hand of the end of the thirteenth century, includes the Abbeys from a.d. 1191 to a.d. 1234. In most cases the MS. refers to the actual day of the incorporation of the Abbey into the ranks of the order. In the first portion we find, under the year mclxxxvi, " ij idus Junii. Abbatia de Aberconwy."1 About two years after this date, Giraldus Cambrensis gives a cursory mention of the Abbey in passing, in his "Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, MOLxxxvin." "Having crossed the river Conwy," he writes, " or rather an arm of the sea, under Deganwy, Journal of the Archaeological Association, 1870, vol. xxvi, p. 281. OTH 8BB..VOL. XII. H