Jircltae0l00ta dumkmk FIFTH SERIES.—VOL. X, NO. XXXVIL\ JANUARY 1893. THE SIGNORY OF GOWER. BY G. T. CLARK, ESQ., P.S.A. The history of West Gower has fortunately fallen into the hands of the Rev. J. D. Davies, Rector of Cheriton and Llanmadoc, who, to great antiquarian knowledge and indefatigable industry, adds a close acquaintance with the topography of the district and of its singular traditions and peculiarities. Three volumes of the work are already published, and had there been a pro¬ spect of a rapid completion of the whole, the following notes would not have seen the light. The promontory and peninsula of Gower form a very prominent feature in the outline of the southern coast of South Wales. Of its history as Gwyr, under the native Welsh rule, but little is recorded; but it con¬ tains a number of upright stones and stone blocks (some of large size), which, without doubt, were set up by the early inhabitants. It was attached to the Can- tref Mawr of Carmarthen, and that probably from a very remote period, since it is included in the ecclesi¬ astical diocese of St. David; not, however, without long and severe controversy ; and in the Liber Landa- vensis, Gwyr is enumerated as a cantref of the lordship of Glamorgan, and in the see of Llandaff, as are Cydveli and Carnwalliawn, both now in Carmarthenshire ; and it was only after much disputing between Bishop Urban §TB SEK„ VOJ,. X. J