^rcftaeafogia Aumbrtmh. FIFTH SERIES.—VOL. VII, NO. XXVII. JULY 1890. SOME MONUMENTAL EFFIGIES IN WALES. BY STEPHEN W. WILLIAMS, ESQ., F.R.I.B.A. In this Number of the Archceologia Cambrensis is pub¬ lished a series of illustrations of some of the interesting monumental effigies which are to be seen in Glamor- ganshire churches, including also one from Tremeir- chion Church, Flintshire. They have been admirably drawn by Mr. Worthington G. Smith, and it is hoped that eventually the Cambrian Archaeological Associa¬ tion will be able to publish drawings and descriptions of every existing monumental effigy in Wales. It will be a most valuable record in the future, as unfortu¬ nately they are sometimes swept away by the modern church restorer ; and when that is not the case, they are left to decay, and are treated with but scant reve¬ rence. Not only do the monumental effigies which are found in our churches possess an interest as illustrating the sculptor's art at the period when they were carved, but they are also doubly interesting from the marvel¬ lous faithfulness with which they, at any rate down to the end of the sixteenth century, reproduce the armour and dress worn when they were made, and its gradual growth and development; thus enabling us to fix pretty nearly the date of the effigy when the inscrip¬ tion has been defaced or lost, or where, as is too often 5th SBR..VOL. VII. 12