gwftTOtoip tfamketrsf*. FIFTH SERIES.—VOL. VI, NO. XXI. JANUARY 1889. HELMETS IN EARDISLEY CHURCH, HEREFORDSHIRE. BY STEPHEN W. WILLIAMS, ESQ., F.E.I.B.A. The two helmets illustrated in the present Number are in Eardisley Church, Herefordshire. In 1887 I men¬ tioned to my friend Mr. Seymour Lucas, A.R.A., that I had seen two very fine helmets in the vestry of the above church, and through the instrumentality of the "Kernoozer's Club", of which he was then the Vice- President, they were sent up to London, and exhibited at one of their meetings. Photographs were taken of them1 from which the engravings now published have been reproduced through the kindness of Mr. W. H. Spiller, the Hon. Secretary of the Club. The history of these helmets seems to be as follows : No. 1, which is drawn in two positions, is an " armet" of about the middle of the sixteenth century. It is of a form and make which prevailed for a considerable period, and may date from the time of King Edward VI to the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign. It was, no doubt, part of a suit of armour hung in the church over the tomb of a knight or gentleman of that period; and a reference to the Registers (if they still exist) of Eardisley parish may identify the person to whom it belonged, probably one of the Baskervilles of Eardisley 1 The photographs were taken by Messrs. T. C. Turner and Co., 17, Upper Street, Islington, by whose permission they are repro¬ duced. 5th ser., vol. vi. 1