girctoirlflijia: €mlnnm. FOURTH SERIES.—VOL. XI, NO. XLII. APRIL 1880. THE CHAMBERED MOUND AT PLAS NEWYDD. The well known chambered mound at Plas Newydd, in Anglesey, was, we believe, first described by Pennant in his Tour (vol. ii, p. 247, first edition). Rowlands' description of it shews that he was not aware of its contents. His statement is : " There is also at Plas Newydd Wood one of the largest carnedds in the Isle of Anglesey, yet scarce discerned and distinguished from a mount of earth, the stones being overgrown with earth and moss, and great trees growing thick upon it" (p. 94). Facing p. 100 is a curious representation of it, or rather what he thought it should be, for the cover¬ ing of earth is supposed to have been removed, and exposed a conical heap of huge stones. " One side is unbroken, and measures twenty paces to the summit." The opposite side he calls "the broken side"; so that it is evident some kind of breach existed, but not exten¬ sive enough to disclose the interior chamber. Other¬ wise it is difficult to account for his not making any mention of it. The first edition appeared in 1723. The second, by the Rev. Henry Owen, published in 1766, was a considerable improvement in matter and style on the earlier one, but gives no additional information. A Supplement of Mourn Antiqua appeared in 1775, but omits all mention of it ; yet in 1760 Pennant saw it much as it is at present. 4th sbb.. VOL. XT. 6