fynhMttUgw (fomxhttmh* THIRD SERIES, No. XXVIL—JULY, 1861. EARLS AND EARLDOM OF PEMBROKE. X. Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, Lord of Valence, Rancon, Wexford, Montignac, Belac, and Champagnac. Born about 1280. (Anselm III, 78; Cal. R. P., 115.) Although Earl Aymer succeeded his father in 1296, he does not appear to have assumed the title of Pem¬ broke until his mother's death, about eleven years later. From 6th Feb., 27 Ed. I, to 19th Jan., 1 Ed. II (Archceol.) xxi, 204), he was summoned simply as Aymer de Valence ; but at the latter date, when he did homage for his mother's lands, his style was Earl of Pembroke. His precedence, during his mother's life, was before the barons, and next after Henry of Lancaster, excepting in two instances, when he is placed among the earls, though designated by his family name. The earldom, no doubt, was attached to Countess Joan's dower. (Ibid.) The Earl was an active, stirring soldier, feared and respected. He identified himself with the interests of En gland, and stood high in the favour of his kinsman, Edward I, who found him an able lieutenant while " Travailing for to win signory, And through his might to occupy Lands that to him were marching"; •'^nn ski;., vol. vii. 13