K?6ff >opopopopoO(><>o<>cocoopcooo(>po^^ Vol. I. 1892. July—December. THE djHpraiBrtfpnsgipp * ilisr piling SEnft TUofps %• <&uprips for jSouflj-Wpsf UMps, (INCORPORATING "CAERMARTHENSHIRE NOTES"). EDITED IBY AETHUR MEE, IF . K,.. .A. _ S _ This number completes the issue of the " Caermar- thenshire Miscellany.'' Subscribers who have not re¬ mitted are respectfully requested to forward their Subscriptions without delay to the "Welshman" News¬ paper and Printing Company, Caermarthen, in order that the account may be closed. CAERMAPTHEN: Offices of "The Welshman!^ LONDON : Elliot Stock, Paternoster Pow. ti$