sfel ^^5o5o5oQoSo5o5op^oo<5oo^o^So5o5o^o^^5o< bfe Monthly. 1892. April. THE 3&n& $3ota % <&upripx for $ouflj-If prf Watas, (INCORPORATING " CAERfVIARTHENSHIRE MOTES"). EDITED B""5T ARTHUR MEE, IF - IR,.. A.. S. ■*CONTENTS* Portrait of Mr. Gwilym Evans. The Shaky Bridge (Poetry), By A. M............. A Pica for the Birds. By Miss Janio Danicll Socialism (concluded). By Robert Stuart Excavations at Talley Abbey. By S. "W. Williams, E.S.A. The New County Council for Caermartbenshiro ... "That Boy!" By"Iclris" The First Lord Ashburnham in Caermarthenshire Caermarthenshire and the Early History of the Telescope. By "W. T B.A., E.B.A.S., and Alcwyn C. Evans.......... Miscellaneous' Notes Mr. Gwilym Evans, Chairman of the Caermarthenshire County Council Astronomical Notes for April Echoes Grave and Gay Lynn, Page. 33 33 34 36 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 43 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (payable in advance), 3s.; Post$g*?Vft7*~ .,. CAERMARTIIEN: Offices of "The Welshma^ LLANELLY: The Editor, New Road. \\ DUPL1C LONDON : Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row. V<C> 0§