>CCOQOOOO(^>OaX>OQOOX>0<: Monthly. 1892. arch. THE <^HFFHIHFt|FnsiiPP^ JMrllQ J&nfe THota % <^nnm for J$ouĀ£Ij-T$fs$ Helps, (INCORPORATING "CAERIV1ARTHENSHIRE NOTES"). EDITED :B"5T ARTHUR MEE, F-R-^Au-S- *CONTENTS* Portrait of Mr. David Randell, M.P. for Gower Leisure Hours and How to Spend Them ... Attempted Reform of the " Social Evening" Caermarthen Burgesses in 1818 Caermarthen Parliamentary Surveys, 1650-53 South West Wales and the Public Records Miscellaneous Notes and Queries ... Mr. David Randell, M.P. for Gower Echoes Grave and Gay ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (payable in advance J, 3s. ; Postage, 6d. Page. CAERMARTHEN: Offices o| "The Welshman." LLANELLY: The Editor, New Road. LONDON : Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row. dyblyg;ow fcJB