Monthly. 1892. January. THE 2£nb Jttohs %• <&uprin for #oufIj-Wref Wefes, (INCORPORATING "CAERMARTHENSHIRE NOTES"). EDITED IBY -AuIRTIKCTJIR 3^EE3 F-DR--A--S- *CONTENTS* Portrait of Mr. "William Thomas, J.P., Llanelly A. New Year's "Wish (Poetry). By A. M. ...... New Year's Customs in South-West Wales. By the Editor Perfumes. By Mrs. Helen E. Watney. ... ...... The Principles of Future Education. By J. Duckworth A Terrible Experience Mr. William Thomas, J.P., Llanelly ........ Astronomical Notes for January Echoes Grave and Gay ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (payable in advance), 3*.; Postage, 6d. CAEPvMAUTHEN : Offices of " The Welshman.1 LLANELLY: The Editok, New Eoad. LONDON : Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row. Page.