THE MONTQOiVlERY & RADNOR Edited by MISS EVANS, Tyn-yr>-eithin, Newtown. CONSULTING EDITORS Pastors T. E. WILLIAMS;'Newtown; W. WILLIAMS, Knighton; and JAMES JONES, J5.Sc, Llandrindod Wells.' Treasurer,:—Mr. J. KINSEY, Hoddell, Walton, Kington. All Contributions to be sent to the Editor not later than the 18th of each month. Orders and Payments to Pastor W. GK Mansfield, Secretary, Velindre, Knighton, Badnorshire; or Mr. John Andrew, Newtown, Mont. Vol. XIII—10, PRICE ONE PENNY October, 1908* WE KNOW OUR BUSINESS. We will prove it, if vqu will send us your order for •fe ^RINTIISTO ANI> STATIONERY. ^ We can supply your wants and give satisfaction. Try us next time. Send for prices. Quick despatch of all orders. OLD BURY Knighton, Llandrindod Wells, and Presteign. MAXIMUM HEAT Are the characteristics of the Coals supplied by us. We -nirnuTiurrnur iou specialize on qualities- which burn brightly, burn freely, and m U . ijyj.jj right away. There is no dirty grates and dusty mantlepieces NO DUST . . . where our Coals are used. Coals we specially recommend. . . . Cannock Chase, Welsh Elled, Welsh Bed Ash. Our Booklet " Coal," is full of the very information you need, and is the only publication of its kind. Posted free with price lists. Send ws a Post Card. Get into touch with us and save money. We send truck loads (from 6 tons) to any Station at wholesale prices. Head Office: North Hou&e, BRECON. Branch Office: The Wharf, LLANDRINDOD. Manager: Mr W. GWYNFA THOMAS. C. E. WEAVER PRICE & SON, Coal, Coke, Lime and Builders' Merchants. "Expkess " Office"t Phzllips & Son, Printers, Newtown.