THE MONTGOMERY AND EADNOE B A. P TIS T ...."VISIT O E.. YOL. 3.—VI. JUNE, 1898. PEICE ONE PENNY. JOTTINGS. A word must be said once more to our correspondents and contributors, and that is that we cannot undertake to publish contributions that are written on both sides of the paper. We also require the name and address in every case, not for publication, unless it is desired. * * *■ We should be glad to get the name and address of our contributor "M.E.,"Rhayader. * ■ * « We gladly make room for the following, which appeared in the Kington Baptist Messenger for last month, especially as our sister Mrs. Havard was a native of Radnor¬ shire, we understand, and was baptised at Maesyrhelem more than 50 years ago. In JtfUmouam. Mrs. ELIZABETH HAVARD. We much regret to have to record the death of Mrs. Havard, widow of the late Rev. Thomas Havard, for many years minis¬ ter of the Baptist churches at Franksbridge and Glascomb, which took place at Beech- grove, Kington, on her birthday, Sunday, April 10th, aged 77 years. Mrs. Havard had seemed in indifferent health for some weeks past, and a few days previous to her death she had a fainting fit; but none looked for this change so soon, she having perform¬ ed her usual duties up to Saturday evening. She passed peacefully away in her chair at six o'clock on Sunday evening, and was laid to rest, till the Master come, in the Kington cemetery on April 14th. Our old friend has gone from us, and we are missing her. It was fitting that she should go home on Sabbath evening, at service time, from the church below to that above. May the Lord raise up others as staunch and loyal to Himself and to the principles which distinguish us as Baptists ! The first was held at Llanidloes on Thursday, May 26th. The afternoon meet¬ ing commenced soon after 2 o'clock, when Mr. Price Pugh, Cwmderw, took the chair. The Rev. T. Rowson, Welshpool, introduced the service by reading and prayer, and the chairman delivered a short address, and called upon the conductor, Mr. Wm. Thomas, Treorky, to begin his work. Several of the tunes and the two anthems were rendered during the afternoon, and Miss Evans, Bedw Gwilym, gave a very interesting address. At the evening service, Mr. E. Chapman, c.c, Morfodion, occupied the chair. The Rev. T. E. Williams, Newtown, read a por¬ tion of Scripture and led in prayer, after which the chairman spoke a few appropriate words, and called upon the conductor to proceed with the programme. At this meeting the Rev. J. Gimblett, Newchapel, gave a short address, and a few words were also spoken by the Rev. T. E. Williams. Tea was provided in the schoolroom, the caterer as usual being Mr. C. E. Pryce, whose catering always gives satisfaction. Mr. Thomas conducted with his usual ability; we thought that he and the choir understood each other almost better than last year, especially in the second meeting, when there was some really fine singing: the finest in the opinion of some that we have ever had. Miss L. Jones, Gorn View, presided at the