TJ IP IP L IE TO THE IE IN" T <St gabtb'0 College artb §ekool (feette. FEBRUARY 1886. jSCJI©0If PI^IZE Dfl¥ PJSD CeNOE^F. December the 22nd was the day appointed for our concert and breaking up. We had a very large ga¬ thering of guests, so many that there was only standing room for a great many. Mr. W. Jones, (Llwynygroes) whose family is fully represented in the school—had been invited to take the chair, and filled it admirably. Mr. Lloyd Williams having introduced the chair¬ man to the company. Mr. Jones gave us much good advice about our school life, saying that -he thought football a very good game for those who had lots of strength but too risky for smaller and weaker boys. He also remarked that a school must have good discipline, as without that boys and masters could never get on together ; as it was necessary for them to do for the acheiving of any proper result. That it is truly said "The boy is father of the man," and that school life was not meant to ' stuff' us with a certain amount of Latin, Greek, and Mathematics only, but to train us up to be sensible, well-disciplined men. When he was at school he said, the late Dr. Howson, dean of Chester, was his tutor, and the boys were all very fond of him, the master had a collection of stones and fossils. One evening, a few of the boys having been to tea with him, on their return passing over the quadrangle found out a peculiar stone, which with boyish fun they passed off as having been given them by their much loved master, the others, as we should say ' took it in ' were soon undeceived. Mr. Lloyd Williams then called upon the chairman to distribute the prizes which fell thus— V. form—The Harford Scholarship—W. Bankes Willliams. IV. form—J. Davies, (Lampeter). III. form—G. F. Roberts. II. form—D. Griffiths. I. T. D. Lloyd. After the distribution of prizes, Mr. Lloyd Williams remarked that as in the summer term, the forms had been judged according to their classical work, many of the boys must not be surprised to find themselves lower now, that everything was taken into account; that there were many who in classics would be higher, but according to this method had fallen a little. The Principal then proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman, remarking on the trouble he had taken to appear that evening, when so many other pressing matters might have detained him. The vote of thanks was seconded by the Vice-Principal, who also ad¬ dressed a few forcible, and affecting words to the boys themselves. Speeches and prizes having been thus disposed of, the musical and dramatic programme was then vigorously dispatched. SCHOOL FOOTBALL NEWS. This first half our football season, I think we may look upon as a fair success. " Rome was not built in a day " nor can a good style of football come ready- made into a comparatively new school. If we play on steadily, and well, we shall not be put down very low on the list of football playing Welsh schools in the future. The results of our matches as yet, have been victories except in one case. Mr. Wheater has proved a very valuable help to us, and it is chiefly to his good coaching that we must attribute the improvement in our display. The School v. S.D.C. Freshmen. This match was played on Oct. 10th, on the school ground, and ended in a victory for the school. The school played steadily and carefully throughout, and after the first try ran away from their opponents rather fast. No side was called with game—School 49. Freshmen—• The School v. S.D.C. 2nd XV. Resulting in a victory for the college, The School v. U.C.W. Aberystwyth. Played at Aberystwyth, resulting in a victory for the school by 22 points to nil. A Rugby club has only lately been established in Aberystwyth College and I believe we were the first opponents. Let us hope the club will be a success, and that we shall have the pleasure of meeting them on the 13th of this month at home.