THE Monmouthshire Baptist, Monthly Periodical. Price One Penny. All communications to be seat to the Editor, the Rev. W. Edwards, B.A., The College, PontypooJ ; or to the Assistant Editors, the Revs. D. Lewis and D. B. Richards, Abersyehan, not later than the 20th of each month. Payments (Which should be made quartedyj to be sent to the Financial Secretary, the Rev. J. Evans, Penygarn, Pontypool. DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY DEAPEEY IMPORTANT TO ALL. FOE GOOD And STJPEEIOE Extraordinarily Low Prices, GO TO JONES'S, CRANE STREET, f': PONTYPOOL, Adjoining the London and Provincial Bank. J. B. JENKINS, Jhe People's Procer & j3aker. Family Bread.—Try it. •.* Currant, Seed, and Sultana Cakes; quality * guaranteed.—Tea Parties supplied up to any quantity; distance no object. Patent Oven Bakery, SEBASTOPOL. W. H. HAS KINS, liauoforte •> aitir • Pontypool. Pianofortes, on the Three-years Sy3tem, from 10s. 6d. per month. The Largest Discounts in the Trade allowed to Cash Pur¬ chasers. Speciality, £25: Iron-framed, Full-Trichord 7-Octave PIANOFORTE, 4-ft. High, Elegant Bun- Walnut-wood, Check-Action, Bushed Keys, Trasses and Plinth. AMERICAN ORGANS......from £8. HARMONIUMS..............from £4. Repairs aud Tuning by Skilful London Workmen. Strings, Fittings, and Musical Accessories of even/ kind.—Discount off Music, 2d. in the Shilling for Cash. HUO.HBS & SON, PRINTFR8. PONTYPOOL