i « Vi iiui|i>.pi |pfr Commendable Gift by Mr. Glynn Vivian. See pa|, THE outh Walia MD SWANSEA. ADYERT1SER AH3 ILLUSTRATE!! MONTHLY JOURNAL, BRSEF REVIEWS OF PAST AID CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. X, No. 114] JUNE, 1905. [ONE PENNY, By Post lid. Ben* Ewans & Ce OFFER THE BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE IN Cabinet Furniture, Carpets and Floor Cloths, Ironmongery, Bedsteads, China and Glass, Curtains, Furnishing Drapery, Household Linens, and Everything- Requisite for Complete House Furnishing. Telephone: (National & Corporation) No. 28. Telegrams : " Evans, Swansea." BEN. EVANS & Co., Ltd. SWANSEA. T. P. R, RICHARDS, TDRPiN k CO, S W A N S K A . SHIP BROKERS, MunRers of MeliaSle Quality SMipped 5*rom TELEGRAMS »/A/." Fisher Street Carriage Works, Swansea Established 187B. JOHN JONES &. Co CARRIAGE BUILDERS wm IMPORTANT NOTICE. F. 1. @WE!5 Dentist, OUOLEY HOUSE, NORTHAMPTON GARDENS, (Opposite Pieton Place.) SWANSEA. All orders for New Work, Repairs, Painting, Trimming and Leather Working promptly attended to. Painless extraction by gas daily. Artificial teeth (single tooth) from 2/6 to 10/6 ; (Sets) from 25/- to £3. Perfect fit with comfort guaranteed. Consultations free of charge. At home 9 a.m. to 7 30 p.m. DURE? RRITJin W. PETERS, WELLINGTON STEAM BAKERY, rUnb DnbrlUi AND 22, HENRIETTA STREET. —■——I1III1M