Vol. V. fio. 52. ONE PENfiY MONTHLY. April, 1900. oTpanwQ MR. CHARLES HENRY GLASGODINE, Barrister-at Law, new Clerk of Arraigns on the South Wales Circuit. See " Jottings," on page 847. BEN EVANS & CO, LTD, At all times offer the vHlf ^ Best Value & Selection © @ e<fi» et jftH* 4* 5foi»se • @ £ id ^\^^^ EVERY OTHER REQU/S/TE ^^^ For Complete House Furnishing. SWANSEA . Fisher Street Carriage Works, Swansea Established 187G. "J CARRIAGE BUILDERS All orders for New Work, Repairs, Painting, Trimming and Leather Working promptly attended to. ?jj ILJi iP^^ff"B? 1 Swansea r i jfiL. ft\J I bL ™"~^~ Is now \inder the Personal Supervision and Management of Mr. and Mrs. FRAKK PICKENS LARGEST HOTEL IN THE TOWN. Family and Commercial. Excellent Coffee, Commercial, and Writing Rooms, Billiard Room and 65 Bedrooms. EDPERSHAW'S FURNITURE 19 & 21, HIGH STREET, * # * SWANSEA.