«^»^^^^M®^^^»S^»S!*!^S5il^l»»l^^^>?« ^Baptist IRecorb ^^^V^y^JVVw^^-VVw^ No. 159. Vol. J3 JUNE, 1910 One Penny $$ WJ . . CONTENTS . . The Late Miss Mary Edwards. Archaeology as an aid to Bible Study —M. B. Owen. Week Evening Addresses on the •Pilgrim's Progress'—Rev. R. C. Roberts, Pembroke Dock. Page for the Young—By W.D.N. Notes on the Lesson— Rev. D. Q. Hughes, Coedpenmaen- Denominational News. Baptisms. — Brevia. CARDIFF: S. GLOSSOP & Soss, Printbbs, NHWjST. The Organ of the English Baptist Sunday School Union of Wales. Handbook of The Lord's Supper m^,,?^. Limp Cloth, 1/-; Stiff Cloth, 1/6. Seventh Free to Distributors.