Nat. Tel. No. OHIO. A>t a w |^v r* |~j Hatter, Hosier, Glover, • vALUtK, and Athletic Outfitter, &c, 98, QUEEN ST., and 1, CASTLE ST., CARDIFF. 3Bapttet IRecorb CONTENTS Our Distinctive Principles—By Rev. C. Davies. Denominational Intelligence. Oral Examination Results. Page for the Young— By W.D.N. Mission Page. Pleiades and Orion—By Periander Pembrokshire District Meeting. Holiday Jottings—By A.F.M. Baptisms. Brevia. CARDIFF: 5 S. Gi.ossop & Sons, Printers, New St. > The Organ of the English Baptist Sunday School Union of Wales, handbook of The Lord's Supper Pri„cipar Edwards Limp Clobh, 1/-; Stiff Cloth, 1/6. Seventh Free to Distributors.