Nat. Tel. No. OHIO. AC9 A I l^\CD Hatter, Hosier, G lover v • w/YLL/Eltvj and Athletic Outfitter, &c, 98, QUEEN ST., and 1, CASTLE ST., CARDIFF. ,«'W«-^<AA^>*"AA^. •*•-"■ ^^*%f*j^r^f^if>jrv%f^^ THE J5aptt$t IRecorb II mmmwmmmx im j^No. 140. Vol. 13 NOV., I90S ,,. One Penny ' >mmmm% mi JpifL CONTENTS . . ^pOT Biographical Sketch of Mr. Arthur Morgan, Burry Port, by J, 0. Hughes. " The Unemployed" by Rev. T. Towy Evans. For the children. An Address to Sunday School Teachers, by Rev. J. H. Searle. Notes mm mWM on Sunday School Lessons, by Rev. J. Ellison. Denominational Intelligence. Brevia. i. CARDIFF : !$5glossop & Sons, Printers, New St. mm mm mm mm wmsmmsm fmmfc m Sl?t; ? The Organ of the English Baptist £ gk!§fe \ Sunday School Union of Wale& ] 1 mm 8; ft-M. andbook of The .Lord's Supper M^uwui, Limp Cloth, Seventh Free to Distributors.