Nat. Tel. No. OHIO. AC* A I l~^ T"? T^% Hatter, Hosier, Glover, • WrVLLItllV^ and Athletic Outfitter, &c, 98, QUEEN ST., and 1, CASTLE ST., CARDIFF. baptist IRecorb . . CONTENTS Memorial & Portrait, Rev. W. Q. Davies, by Rev. J. Williams. Baptists and their Present Duty by Rev. T. Gravell {continued). Page for the Young, by W.D.N. Poem by Dr. Geo. Macdonald. A Memorable Baptism by Rev. J. Pugh Notes on Sunday School Lessons, by EX. Denominational Intelligence. Brevia. CARDIFF: Sons, Printers, New St. ? Mil ■MWM? The Organ of the English Baptist ^ww p Sunday School Union of Wales. Handbook of The Lord's Supper PrinciParEdwardS J4mp Cloth, 1/-; Stiff Cloth, 1/6. Seventh Free to Distributors.