Nat. Tel. No. OHIO. AAAI rMT D HATTER' HOSIER, GLOVIER, . VnL \J C It , and ATHLETIC OUTFITTER, &c, * 98, Queen St , and 44, Castle St., CARDIFF. THE L^ Jrir"^ 1 li) 1 * RECORD No. 131. Vol. 11. FEBRUARY, 1908. One Penny. The Organ of the. English Baptist Sunday School Union of Wales. Editor: PRINCIPAL EDWARDS, D.D., Baptist College, Cardiff. Contents In Memoriam—Daughter of The Rt. Hon. Lloyd George, M.P. The Old Faith. V.—The Scrip¬ tures. The Responsibility of the Individual Parent for the Religious Train¬ ing of His Child. Cardiff Tabernacle. Opening of the New Organ. The Noblest Grace. E.B.S S.U. of Wales. A Statement and Appeal. Jottings. The Claims of the Sabbath School upon our sympathy and our active support. Notes on the Lesson. Denominational News. CARDIFF: A. M'Lay & Co., Ld., Printers. 6. Duke St. „ HANDBOOK OF THE LORD'S SUPPER ^n Edwards LiriD Cloth 1/.; Stiff Cloth 1/6 Seventh Free to Distributors,