Nat. Tel. No. OHIO. AAAI r% P" D "ATTER, HOSIER, GLOVIER, . UnLL/Ln, and ATHLETIC OUTFITTER, &c, 98, Queen St., and 44. Castle St., CARDIFF. THE ** "DflPTIST % * RECORD No. 130. Vol.. 11. JANUARY, 1908. One Penny. The Organ of the English Baptist Sunday School Union of Wales. Editor: PRINCIPAL EDWARDS, D.D., Baptist College, Cardiff. mm Contents Does the E.B.S.S.U. of Wales (Cardiff District) justify its existence. The Old Faith—The Resurrection of Christ. E.B.S.S.U. of Wales Examination Results. Notes on the Lesson. Denominational News. CARDIKF : A. M'I,ay "St Co., Li)., Printers, 6, Dukk St. HANDBOOK OF THE LORD'S SUPPER By Principal Edwards Lirip Cloth 1/-; 8tiff Cloth 1/6 Seventh Free to Distributors