See CROSS BEOS., Advertisement facing Sketch. ^U-E"ElI3 Baptist # Record The Organ of the English Baptist Sunday School Union of Wales. Editor: Principal Edwards, D.D. Baptist College, Cardiff. No. 51, Vol. 5- JUNE, 1901. One Penny. CONTENTS: Some of oub Wobkebs :— Mb. EVAN OWEN, J.P., Cabdifp. Oub Denominational Liteeatuee.— By Peincipal Edwaeds, D.D. Twentieth Centuby Fund Jottings— ■' By Pastob T. W. Medhubst. Y.P.S.C.E. Notes—By Eev. J. Williams, Cakdiee. Denominational News. Notes on the Union Lesson. CARDIFF: ROBERTS BROTHERS, 15, VSr«RKING STREET. iCOTT. &** ©* 37, CASTLE ARCADE, CARDIFF. CUSTOMERS' SIGHT SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED AND ADVICE FREE