^£fe§g^^ r)A° rvy fyg.° ^r ^ '^^ rv?.° ^jL?y^»j, r>A° ryy ^.^ ^w ,>A° rw3 cvgg ,~>A° rw ^ffi&y«&!i. ffi*T-»?yl Ht^"* XT!? THE_^ aptist ecord The Organ of the English Baptist Sunday School Union of Wales. Editor: Principal Edwards, D.D. Baptist College^ Cardff. No. 31, Vol. 3. OCTOBER, 1899. One Penny. eg CONTENTS: Some of our Workers The Late Rev. E, ROWE-EVANS. The Inner Life of the Churches - - ■ Welsh Baptist Union Annual Meetings - Young People's Christian Union for Wales - The Late Alderman D. Da vies, Merthyr - Notes on the Union Lesson ■ * Denominational News Bible Study - - CARDIFF : EVAN REES AND CO., PRINTERS, 30 & 32, BRIDGE STREET.