THE "Cljrojniutn h WHnltt," MONTHLY MAGAZINE. CONDUCTED BY LAYMEN, No.i APEIL, 1873. Price 3d. CONTENT §, Pagt, On Wales and Its Churches:: Ancient and Modern, No. , 2. The Pelagian Period ... ..'■ The Management of Divine Serves Curing the King's Evil by the Royal Touch .. * ... This Psalm, or the other A Reverie ".. ■■ ■ ,.. ■.-.. ' .- iiVii ■ ta The Church defended by Disso.n- ters ' ':,'u ., Scripture Double Acrostic ,-Boilitdown .. .. .. Sermon for Goad Fflday - .. My Letter-bag .. ., Winter and Spring " .. .. Believing .without Seeing ';».■ Saturday and Sunday .. .. It is Dark ., .... Philip Dean, the Toy-boat Maker ,. ., <■. Review's of Books.. ... Horse-Raktfng and Betting A Game at -Peg-top .. Natural History Anecdotes The Treasury .. .. POetry: Thoughts for Good Friday .. ., .. ... Answer to Enigma on page 71 .. Single Acrostic .. Double Acrostics .. Calendar for the Month .. .. LONDON: wiwjiam umtsitim, 24, faterstostkb bow JOJBLISHlsD AT "THE "WESTERN MAHi" offigbs, CABDIW. fag* TV 7(5 78 ■79 82 87 91 92 "S3-: 94 95 95 95 'XX^S^CMp^^f^'