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WEST OF ENGLAND MAGAZINE. No. 38. Monday, November 26, 1832. Halfpenny. >~':.¥'^ ."-'<(rifkinniSilUilvuUiav«U»VUUWJjfi/w»llUM..»'nti«..a:U!nT1\H^Kti^ THE JAGUAR Grows to the size of a wolf, or even larger, and inhabits the hottest parts of South America, from the isthmus of Darien to Buenos Ayres j it is fierce and des¬ tructive to man and beast. Like the tiger, it plunges its head into the body of its prey, and sucks out the blood before it devours it; it makes a great' noise in the night, like the howling of a hungry dog j it is a very cowardly animal, and easily put to flight, either by the shepherd's dogs, or by a lighted torch, as it is afraid of fire ; it lies in ambush near the sides of rivers, where it sometimes fights a singular combat with the crocodile. When the jaguar comes to drink, the crocodile, ready to surprize any animal that approaches, raises his head out of the water j the former instantly strikes its claws into the eyes, the only penetrable part of this dreadful reptile, who immediately dives under water, pulling his enemy along with him where they commonly both perish. Dean Swift used to say, that fast sermons should be preached by Welsh curates which would considerably add to their effect.