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EST OF ENGLAND AND MAG AZINE.___ No. 21. MondayJ July 30, 1832. Hall-penny^ THE RED DEER. In ancient times, the stag- hunting even of England had more real excitement about it, than it has at the present day, for it was not unattended with danger. He that was foremost iri the run had duties to per¬ form, and these duties had sometimes rather more of peril about them, than fall to the lot of the modern sportsman, who leaves all which consti¬ tuted " wood-craft" to the huntsman and the whipper-in. Scott has described one of these dangers in the notes to the Wly of the Lake :— "When the stag turned to bay, the ancient hunter had 'flie perilous task of going in upon and killing or disabling the desperate animal. At cer¬ tain times of the year this was held particularly dangerous, a wound received from a stag's horn being then deemed poi¬ sonous, and more dangerous than one from the tusks of a boar, as the old rhyme testifies: If thou be hurt with hart it brings thee to thy bier, Bui. barber's bund will boar's hurt henl, thereof thou needst uot tear. " At all times, however, the