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BRISTOL, tt of 13fi0Um&» tffflf Hot MAGAZINE. No. 5. Monday, April 9, 1832. Half-penny^ . Illustrate* frtitU. BATTLE OF ALEXANDRIA. , The French intended tq sur¬ prize the British army before day-light', and having routed, Ito " tumble tjiem into the Lake mfAboukir f but their approach was, discovered by General. Abercrombie, and both .armies' employed their artillery, with¬ out being able to discern a sin¬ gle object, except during the flashes of the cannon. Dawn appearing, the French were found to have succeeded in turning the right wing of the British, and a party of their cavalry were actually advancing in the rear of our 28th regi-, ment; but the prudence and gallant conductof this regiment, gave the first favourable turn to the conflict of the day. At this critical moment, decisive as to the fate of Egypt, an, adjutant of the 28f h gave the word " Hear rank! right-about, face!" and the soldiers with, astonishing firmness and pres-, ence of mind, sustained a se¬ vere attack in front and .rear, at the same time. The 42nd regiment coming up to aid the; 28th, were themselves over-, whelmed and broken by a body,