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B R I S T O L, of ignglanft, an& Jimi MAGAZINE S No. 2. Monday, March 19, 1832. Half-peony. JElfotftratttt Jtatfifc. ■HISTORY OF THE DISTRESSES OP AN ENGLISH DISABLED SOL¬ DIER. Some days ago, I met a poor fellowwhom I knew when a boy, dressed in a sailor's jacket, and begging at one of the outlets of the town, with a wooden leg. I knew him to be honest and industrious when in the coun¬ try, and was curious to learn what had reduced him to his present situation. Wherefore, after giving him what I thought proper, I desired to know the history of his life and misfortunes, and the manner in which he was reduced to his distress^ The disabled soldier, for sud^'he was, though dres¬ sed in a sailor's habit, scratchy ing his-head, and leaning:©lP his crutch, put himself int-oan attitude to. comply with my request, and gave me his his¬ tory as follows:----- < i