STAND ye in the ways, and see, and ask fof^ the old paths.—Jeb. vi. chap., 16 verse. TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS. Vol III. Birmingham, Skptembee, 1869. No. 10. CHRISTIANITY : Its Corruption Reacting—Secularism the result; Mormonism (so called) the Remedy; Sectarianism judged by its own rules of evidence and convicted of unbelief. , S?H1 religion of Jesus Christ in its moral features is com- ^ mended by the wise and good of all religions, and by those who ignore all religious belief. The Pagan and the Atheist confess that Jesus taught a just and useful codo of morals. But when it is asserted that his teachings are repre-" . sented by a church, or churches, that have descended from the original disciples to our times, and is the practical work¬ ing of the Gospel theory taught by Jesus and his Apostles, and when thinking men, with the New Testament in hand, compare them with the pattern it contains, then the reaction begins that tends to Deism and through Deism to Atheism. Christian philosophers perceive this result (if not its cause)