jtf'ff •uyj tp» "^jy £*Ls C ®b u ^^ Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask fof^ the old paths.—Jbb. vi. chap., 16 verse. TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS. Vol III. BlBMXKGHAM, JULY, 18G9. 'No.. S. THE SECOND ADVENT. THE doctrine of Christ's return to the earth is as clearly taught in the Scriptures as an idea can be tanght. For example, He says Him¬ self " If I go away, I will vcome' again " and the Apostles testify ihat he went away up into heaven : After which Ati o.1s came and repeated tike assurance, that "He should so come, in like manner, as ye have seen him go into heaven." And the Holy Spirit testifies through the Apostles, that " to them that look for Him will He appear the second time without Stnixnto Salvation." The Holy Spirit, through the prophet Zechariah testifies that He would in the days of His coming stand upon the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem. Here we have two facts definitely stated. 1st, that He will came again. 2nd, the place where He will come. These points being settled the next point is, when will He come ? This question however impor¬ tant it is in all its bearings upon believer and unbeliever, cannot be settled upon Scripture authority. The reasons for this statement will appear hereinafter : But first we must examine the efforts which have been made " to fix the time," by those who have assumed to have in special charge " the preparation," and who have " cried wo.f " 30 often when there.was no wolf, and so often have made the "midnight cry'*