■> . '• ' :^-> :Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask foi^thb OLD paths.— Jer. vi. chap., 16 verse. TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS. Vol III. Birmingham, June, 1869. No. 7. OFFICE-WORE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. HOW THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS OBTAINED. Entering upon this division of our subject, we trust we shall be par¬ doned for a few prefatory remarks. The gospel is described by the apostle in his letter to the Romans, i. 16, as being "The power of God unto salvation." Timothy declares, that " Through the gospel, life and immortality are brought to light. 2 Tim. i. 10. Peter assures us that it is everlasting in the following text, " But the word of God endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. 1 Peter i. 25. Again in Rev. xiv. 6, it is called the " Everlasting gospel." The Saviour praying to his Father says, " Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." John xvii. 17. From these references we find the gospel as we have truth, which here the gospel is called, is unchangeable in its nature. " I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Mai. iii. 6. We assume there¬ fore that the gospel is unchangeable. Being unchangeable itself, its ordinances must be so also, consequently if we know how those ordi¬ nances were administered when a dispensation of the gospel was given to the apostles, we will know how they must be administered by every man who has a dispensation to preach the gospel intrusted to him. This conclusion must necessarily follow, from the nature of God " I change not." God therefore being perfect in his ways and having givea tha