oA fijf $1? (fj? @ Sf ®f ■§r jSf ® ®* £? fij? ^ &=£. Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask fof^ the OLD paths.—Jeb. vi. chap., 16 verse. TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS. Vol III. Birmingham, April, 18G9. No. 5. INSPIRATION". i(^ HEAT diversity of opinion exists and ever has existed npon this ~& subject. At one time it was believed by all professing Christians that the Bible was all written by inspiration. At a time anterior to this it was believed that a great many other Books w....: also written by inspiration—while later it is believed by many that only a part of the Bible was so written, and this part constitutes all that ever was, or ever will be written by inspiration ; it being all that is necessary to be so written. This great diversity of opinion no doubt is due to the defective idea as to what inspiration itself is. Now, in order to lift the dark veil from off thisjdark subject, suppose we affirm that in respect to the ten commandments there is no inspiration whatever ; but they are the. words of God nevertheless. It is not understood generally that angeU are subjects of inspiration when delivering their messages from God to men. But we see no reason why they should not be inspired to speak the words they speak, as well as prophets who speak the word of the Lord. Angels are either inspired or speak from memory alone what has been committed to them. But from the nature of their discourses, their arguments at different times, as in the case of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, and others, it is clear that some of their words were called out by the occasion and formed no part of their original message. In this case it was their own, or of God by inspiration. And we take the latter view, and so suppose that angels are inspired by the Holy Spirit—like men " moved upon " to speak. Being a medium of communication, are inspired to transmit to man what is given them