^fffiff If® •Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask fopv OLD PATHS.—Jjkr. vi. chap., 16 verse. TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS. Vol III. Birmingham, February, 1869. No. THE REORGANIZATION. Reorganization implies a previous organization, which this latter takes the place of. But in order to c aderstand the real character of the reorganization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we must understand the first organization of the same—upon what it is based, its order, authority, $:c, and tho process of disorganization in order to perceive the necessity for, and the process of, the reorganization. The organization of the Church of the Latter-day Saints began April 6th, 1830, with six members only ; but in this condition it was recognized of (rod as the' " only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth," that pleased him D. and C. sec. J, par. 5. This true and living church is also recognized of God as his kingdom upon the* earth ; and it I . is moreover his " Last kingdom,*' " Set up for the last time; " con- g sequently, will exist until the clouds of heaven bring its king, winse J dominion will extend over the whole earth.—Dan. vii. But will it eacisrt J in an organized form during this entire interval, from its first beginning J until its final endowment with universal dominion ? If this question is I answered in the affirmative, we ask in what form of organization will it S exist? It began to exist on the 6th of April, 1880, (in the form of .1 subsequent branches,) with a presiding elder, or with a first and second I elder; it afteiwards existed with a quorum of three presidents, and still later with a quorum of twelve apostles, a high council, and quorums of seventies, elders, priests, teachers, deacons, &c. D. arid C. sec. l</3 is a commandment given to tin* church in its perfected form of organization with a promise that if obedient to the same, they shall be greatly blest, and should not be moved out of their place. , Par. 10—I'j. But on tha