/^?v> (£2$ r^ j>mft vn$ f=sy P\y ^p ^g&J >££v> |»S fcS?P *» - Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the Old paths.—Jer. vi. chap., 16 verse. TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS. Vol. 3. Birmingham, January, 1869. . No* 2. THE FINAL HOME OF THE REDEEMED'. It may bo thought, and indeed is often expressed, that it is immar- : til where the residence of the finally saved is located. But if tho Word of promise, touching 'life and immortality,' points out where that ' life and immortality' is to be enjoyed, it must have been thought necessary on the part of Him that promised or it would not have been revealed, and if revealed it is necessary to believe it in order to enjoy it. "I go to prepare a place for you," said Jesus.—John xiv 2, 3. And this 'place' is further called an inheritance, and a 'purchased possession,' (Ephes. i 14) an ' everlasting inheritance,' and as such to be sought after. New to seek for a thing with any intelligent hope of finding it is essential to have a just idea of what we are seeking and where it is. Without this we could never know when we find, or where to look. And to seek for what is not promised, or where it is not, must end in disappointment and failure. The current religious ideas upon this subject are very fanciful, and have no doubt originated in the imagination. Poets are allowed great latitude (and they generally take all that is allowed) hence they sing to the people, " Beyond the bounds of time and space Look forward to that heavenly place — , The saints' secure abode." and 1 Iwant to go to heaven, Show me the way."