Wx & - • ~ * <k ft*v. Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the H old paths.—Jer. vi. chap., 16 Terse. 'H::: '" H ^K*tr TRUTHFULNESS, FITNESS, AND PLAINNESS, r- ;4 ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■V?& Vol 3. Birmingham, December, 1868, No. 1. address you, for I.am a woman for being one, for I And thftj r, of the grace of life, b: ,">t fci commaudmo<nfc that -Ruch as SISTER CHLOE'S LETTER Dear Restorer.—With trembling hand I take upmy pen to . lint I do not offer an apology iale and female are heirs together, . light by tl-e gospel, and I iind a are warned should warn their neighbours, " and let them that hear, say come." A»d hearing, I obtained some tracts for distributing among my neighbours, and expecting to find some occasion to defend the doctrine taught in the tracts, 1 had pr-Ttared myself to give a reason for the hope within me, as you ta; ; hit us in Vol. 2, ISTo. 11, and was about starting ouj; when 1 was informed that "women an. i»ot per¬ mitted to teach." Somewhat agitated I to,ok off my shawl, laid by the tracts, looked at my informant, little teacher, fassy, looked out of the window, looked into the glass, and finally found ralief in the resolution to look into the Books to ascertain the acknow¬ ledged status, or "Divine right" of women, and now I will tell you what 1 have found. First, I find that in creating man, male and female wero created and their name called Adam. Then the distinctive woman (Mrs. /.lam) was formed by farther working over tho hs.vae material, huflCO one degree more refined, though it must be confessed that neither of the " twain " had received intellectual endowments of a very high order, since neither of them knew good from evil, or right from wrong. But there was at least equality in this. Both got their "eyes opened," however, ' -. . •i\*w