0*-~c /f *'/i ^ " ~~ j9 "O THE RESTORER, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer. vi, 16. We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness, 2To. 2.] DECEMBEE, 18 6 5. [Vox, H. MINUTES OF A SEMI-ANNUAL CONFERENCE Of the C. ofJ.C. of L.D.S., held in the Long Boom, Railway Inn, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, Oct. 29 and 30, 1865. After attending a prayer meeting at seven o'clock, a.m., Con¬ ference was convened at ten o'clock, and organised by appoint¬ ing Elder T. E. Jenkins president, and Nicholas Grigg clerk. Choir sung, and Elder Rees John engaged in prayer. The president then spoke on the objectfjip.hat all should have in view in coming together, viz., to be mreshed, strengthened, and edified in the work of the Lord • and he felt such was the case, or they would not have come so many miles on such a rainy day ; and he felt sorry that so many would be absent in conse¬ quence of the weather being so wet, and having no means of conveyauce but to walk; he had no doubt but what they were, asiPaul of Old, though absent in body yet present in spirit. He then taught of the duties of the saints, not only for to-day, but to strive always to enjoy a good portion of the spirit of God, so i;hat they may realize a lasting benefit to their souls, and thereby increase in every good work. Elde. R. Humphrey gjiipke on the liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and of the blessings to be realized by living a righteous and holy life before the Lord, and that we should seek of him for light and wisdom, and also for strength to work out our salvation, &c. Elder N. Grigg then made a few remarks in approval of the faithfulness and dili-