cr**. '/**/W- i(rv THE BESTORER. Stand ye in the ways, and«ee, and ask for the old paths. Jer. vi. 16. We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness. No. 9.] JANUARY,-■ 1865. , [Vol. I. A DIALOGUE BETWEEN A TRUE LATTER-DAY SAINT AND A BRIGHAMIT/.^ AND HIS WIFE ANN. -------#- By Elder N. Grigg. T. L. S.—Good morning* brother D. I have taken the liberty of paying you a visit, as I have many things that I am; wishful to make you acquainted with. B.—-Well, I have to inform you that I arn not your brother now, for you are an apostate, and have denied your testimony; and we have had counsel not to let any of you come into our houses, nor to shake hands with any of you. T. L. S.—I am sorry indeed to hear that you are deprived of your free agency, and thereby shut your house against the servants of God, and also reject His divine message,' which would prove an everlasting blessing to you and all that would receive it. B.—But we must obey the priesthood or else we shall be transgressors; and the apostle John has warned us not to; receive any into our houses except they did bring the ' of Jesus Christ or wte sHiitf] be partakers of their ev5l dec-4-" , '■;' I.. :■'..-':; .'■ to ©bey counsel when1 itr is "m a^cM$- auce with lire .<'■;■-. ■:•■';• Saw of' God ; but that counsel lYn'ot, for Paul says, " Prov*-all things, ami 'hold fast that'wbielt is gbbd.'* And Solomon^/thatiWfeS: noted' for'; his;.. wisdoiri^isays^;" He.that ■fc