■H*/zrvs*#~ si^ THE KBSTOREK, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer, vi. 16, We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness, No. 7.] OCTOBEE, 1864. [Vol. I. THE DUTY OF ALL SAINTS. Bbethhen and Sisteks,—You that have named yourselves Israel, by obedience to the gospel brought forth in its fulness in this the dispensation of the-J/lilness of times, "What ought you to do ? "What duties and '™at responsibilities belong to such a profession ? Is it to do as well as those who have not known the light ? Surely, it goes beyond this. Those that only recognize the lifeless forms of religion as created, modified, and changed by the wise ones of this godless age, bereft of visions or revelation, their acts must correspond therewith, and may properly be "winked at" by the wise and good Creator. But those who recognize the hand of God in the Latter- day work, and have listened to His voice, and covenanted to " labour for Zion," to them much having been given, much will be required. Every Saint is a representation of the king¬ dom of God, and a witness of the truths constituting the gospel. He that betrays a trust is not honourable, and he that bears false witness is a criminal. Firmness is wanting only when there is opposition, and industry, and zeal when there is some¬ thing to do., Now, how stands the case with all true Latter-day Saints ? Is there opposition ? Is there something to do ? If so, what is it ? ''■' Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life," is as true now as it ever was; and they that find it are as few now as ever they were; and they that do not love the truth., do not love those that do it. The world loves its