THE RESTORER. •Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer. vi, 16, We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness. Mo. 6.] AUGUST, 18 64. [Vol.1. NEWS FROM THE " PARCHED PLACES." We hate received letters from Elders E. C. Briggs and H. R, Attwood, dated Great Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15, 1864, from which we extract the following :—'M write to inform you in re¬ lation to the progress of the work cC^e Lord in Utah. I feel every day more encouraged in relation to my mission. You re¬ member, no donbt, Brigham's remark on my arrival, that none hut murderers, thieves, adulterers, &c, would join the re¬ organization. This has told against him fearfully from the fact that the Brighamites themselves are forced to confess that our converts are of that class that have ever commanded respect among them; men that have not been mixed up with their abominable practices, although deluded by the craftiness of their leaders into error and transgression. We are rapidly increasing in num¬ bers, and in faith also ; and the Saints that have joined the re¬ organization are contending manfully for the faith and the liberty of the sons of God. Thousands are with us in faith who dare not advocate their belief boldly. But as we increase in numbers, this intimidation and fear among them gradually diminishes. Those who have never been in Utah, though they may have heard the testimony of others, read or dreamed about it can form no just idea of the state of society here. Entangled with their spurious endowments, polygamy, the law of adoption, the fear and intimidation resting upon the people by.reason of a systematic espionage, while those who dare to express an opinion contrary to their leaders, or manifest a desire to leave, being shot down •