<?%£, ■/$•/**?- j try Si TJiuia ;9t$n<i ye inthe ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer, vi, tiL %e shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness, Wo. 5.3 JULY, 1864. [Vol. L THE GOSPEL, (Continued from page 51.) -•'* John the Baptist, had previously preached the baptism ;of repen - stance for the remission, of sins^c See Luke iii, 3; l^tark i. 4, And when Saul was converted fr'.v a persecutor to a believer in Christ by a heavenly manifestation he was directed to Damascus, -when, it was promised it should be told him what he ought to do. In-pursuance of this promise the Lord spoke to Annanias and sent him to Saul to tell him accordingly. Saul had just been converted>; he believed in Christ; he had repented deeply for his sinB. Perceiving this, the messenger of God to him says, " Why tarriesfri'thou, Saul? " " But what shall I do ? " " "Why, arise and bebaptised, washingaway (or for remission of) thy sins." IfV'hen Samaria received the word they Werebaptised both men and women. When Phillip was sent to the Eunuch, and had preached Christ, the Eunuch said, "See, here is water, what hinders me to be baptised?" But why did he think of water or baptism? •Phillip had only preached Christ to him; yet all he conld hava known about him must have been what was just taught—hence .-we must conclude that to preach Christ is to preach water and baptism* Again, when Cornelius was commanded to send for Peter, it was promised that he should tell him words whereby (obeying which) he and his house should be saved. Upon PeterV 'Coming, he preached the gospel and pommanded them to be bap¬ tised in the name of the Lord Jesus. Says Jesus, "Verily, eerily,/I say unto you, except a njan be born of water and th<*