finw/ssjw o THE RESTORER, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer. vi, 16. We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and plainness. No. 4.] JUNE, 18 64. [Von. I. THE GOSPEL ,xl, Moee than eighteen centuries hare elapsed since that most memorable visit of '* the Angel of the Lord," to the Shepherds of Judea, announcing " Good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." The vail which separates the Visible from the invisible world was drawn aside, and the inhabitants of both mingled their rejoicings at the great event that had occurred: " For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord," whose mission to earth was to make known to a fallen race the terms of " reconciliation" to God, against whom they had transgressed. These terms are comprised in the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, " to every one that believeth." The Gospel then is the glad tidings, for through it are life and immortality brought to light. It is said " that he that speaketh (aa he ought to speak) and he that heare/th (as he ought to hear) understandeth each other/' and are mutually benefited. So he that writeth and he that resdeth should understand each, other .also, in order to be benefited, Hence in treating upon this subject we^ shall strive to..make ourĀ¬ selves understood at5 least. 'Well, what is meant, by the word. Gospel ? Why " glad tidings " answers every sect and .-party,., in OhiisteMdm'i Well it was.gjad tidings to the. citizens, of ..Epme,,