pi^<UA^ THE RESTORER, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths. Jer. vi.•If. We shall study truthfulness, fitness, and .plainness. Ko. 3.] M A Y, 1 8 6 4. [Vol. I. POXTGAMX. (Continued from page 25.) But as " distance lends enchantment to the view," the Poly- gamist goes back to the venerable Lamech, the seventh from Adam, and a lineal successor of Cain, with his Adah and Zillah. A celestial marriage, "Preparing by it to pass by the Angels and the Gods that are set there, (that is, little Gods, we suppose) to their exaltation and glory." Seer, p. 9. This venerable individual seems to have been the first to get an inkling of celestial mar¬ riage that constitutes man the Saviour of the wife, he is the father of Polygamy or celestial marriage. Favoured mortal; and lucky Adah and Zillah ! for he must hold the keys of this power unto their exaltation, ;and, of course, will speak th« truth. Let us hear him. He calls his loving wives, who had taken hold of him to ensure their exaltation, and says, " Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged seven fold, truly Lamech seventy and seven fold." Gen. iv. 23, 24. Here is the pioneer of all Polygamists. But seven women shall take hold of one man. Isa. iv. 1. This (chapter begins with the words, " and it shall come to pass/'